Sunday, November 24, 2013

Continuous personal development and growth

Often it's hard to give yourself time to work on skills you'd like to develop. Time is precious and sometimes the courses that you want to go on to improve are just too expensive! Ok, so your company *should* give you a budget for personal development but between what companies should do and actually do there is sometimes a gulf..

So you should think about MOOC.

Sounds strange but MOOC stands for Massive Online Open Courses and the best part of this is…they're free. Learn what you want, when you want to and at no cost.

The only downside is that often you have to dig a little to find something that:

  • Is of a certain quality (ahem)...
  • Is aimed at your level of learning
  • Doesn't advertise the author's products or services too heavily.
If you are interested then try googling for MOOCs or visit this link to check out what's available in your field of interest.

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